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About the Everywhere Book Series
From Here to Everywhere Synopsis
Everywhere and Beyond Synopsis
Everywhere in the Omega Galaxy Synopsis
Book IV, Alpha Dimension Synopsis
Omega Galaxy Prologue
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Everywhere in the Alpha Dimension Prologue
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A Religious Place
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The Everywhere Author / Poet
Author / Poet Robert Lee Joseph

"From the moment I saw the first episode when the idea of teleportation was introduced to an awed television audience in the days before satellite TV, and before syndication, and reruns were in full bloom, I was fascinated by the possibility of what if ...?" 
             Robert Lee Joseph
"What if it were truly possible and not just a writer's imagination?
The thought reminded the author of the scriptures where we read of the Savior appearing in a closed room. Is that not a form of teleporting?
What about the appearance of angels? Isn't that also some sort of the same thing?"
It wasn't until many years later, when he purchased his first real home computer, that he put those long ago first thoughts into a story and called the novel 'From Here to Everywhere'."
"As he developed the storyline, he imagined the discovery of a technology that would accomplish such a task. Not one like the original writer envisioned, but one that works in a mysterious way, yet works very well. He imagined the discovery as happening almost by accident, and yet with an underlying purpose in the overall scheme of the infinite."
"He populated his series with interesting characters and places that would captivate an audience to want more.
Based on the enthusiastic fans who are begging him to produce the next book, we think he has neared his goal. He populated the Everywhere Universe with real down-to-earth people with everyday problems, not some artificial super heroes. The author gave them lives with emotions, dreams and vulnerabilities. He created families and let them grow over time to include children and grandchildren."
"When it came to religion, he did not ignore it like some writers. but included the one he is most familiar with, having endeavored to live it's principles for over forty years. The author envisioned the technology without spatial limits so man could reach out to the stars as if they were  next door. He chose to envision a universe of humanity with all its good and bad traits rather than some inhuman monsters. The stories are meant to be exciting and uplifting, not intended to scare or frighten with blood and horror scenes. The Everywhere books have been enjoyed by a wide range of age levels. The Everywhere Books have received rave reviews of people from nine to eighty+ years old." (Read the Rave Reviews ) (The author would love to add yours)
Now that the Everywhere Book Series is out there with an increasing enthusiastic readership, We are working to get it into the mainstream publishing world where he believes it will be just as heartily welcomed."
The author truly believes the ongoing story would make a great Television or Movie Series if given the chance, and his readers heartily concur.
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